
Tag Archives forseasons

Living Seasonally

There is a packet of nasturtium seeds in the junk drawer in my kitchen.  Early in the morning or late at night, when the house is quiet, I can hear them calling out to me.  Their voices are soft, but powerful; they speak of growth, potential, and the glories of a long, golden summer.  They […]

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She Was in the Field Counting Stars. . .

In our noisy society, music is too often relegated to background noise—to accompaniment.  But once in a while a song stands up and demands more—it consumes us, becoming both external and visceral.  It’s arresting.  We have no choice but to stop, listen, and be eclipsed.  For this week’s installment of Things I Love, I’ve got one of these songs […]

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Survival. . .

What does April sound like to you?  I’m not talking about chirping birds, or cool spring rains on a tin roof.  I’m talking musically.  What does April sound like?  Or March for that matter; September?  Seriously, give it a try.  If you had to pick one song to represent the whole month of April, what would it […]

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