Hiatus and Planning Ahead

I really am thrilled with how well this project is going this time around.  A month and a half in my motivation is still strong and the thought of finishing the damned thing feels more and more real every day.

That being said, in terms of posting new content this week I am taking a short hiatus.  Though my manuscript currently extends through Chapter Twelve, its important for me to take this time to plan ahead before I begin my second set of rewrites and ultimately move on to entirely new material.

I’ve titled Part 1 of TEORG “Loss” for reasons which should be self evident.  The second part of the book is tentatively called “Metamorphosis,” and its purpose is to take the inexperienced, reserved Ryan Gregori I have painted in the first seven chapters and turn him into someone you might not like very much.  Then of course the final part of the book will center around his redemption.

I found myself in a really nice situation rewriting the “Loss” chapters.  I knew exactly where this part of the book ended and any plot additions or modifications I needed to make in early chapters to support later chapters manifested themselves easily.  A great example of this is Darren’s thumb ring.  It will continue to play a significant role in the story to come, but in the first iteration of “Loss” it was treated mostly as an afterthought.  Through the power of retrospect I was able to give it more significance earlier on and hopefully cement it in the minds of readers as an important symbol.

If I were to forge blindly ahead into “Metamorphosis” I’d risk missing details such as this one.  So I’m doing some strategic planning in an effort to avoid writing myself into a corner once I get past my pre-fab Chapter Twelve.

So regular chapter posts will resume Friday, October 30.

If you’ve fallen behind this is a great opportunity to catch up with the story.  Also, I have Kindle and ePub (for iBooks and other non-Kindle e-readers) versions of “Loss” available if you’d like to read offline.  Due to security concerns I am forbidden from providing these directly through gregoryjosephs.com, but if you are interested please send me a message and I’ll be happy to email a copy in the format of your choice.

Have a great week!

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