The Confluence – Now Available Everywhere!

My “suspenseful time-hopping mystery” is available from booksellers worldwide, starting right now!

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I can hardly believe it, but the day has come. After two-and-a-half years, this book is finally hitting the shelves. I owe so many people a debt of gratitude for helping me and this story get to this point.

It’s time for my characters Elliot and Sofia to head out into the world. I hope you’ll love them as much as I do.

And on this, the most important day of this book’s cycle, I’d like to humbly ask:

Can you help spread the word?

It has been my great honor to carry this book this far, but with a couple minutes and a few clicks, you could really help me carry it over the finish line.

Please, if you have five minutes today, here’s how you can help:

  • If you didn’t pre-order, grab your copy now from Amazon or your local independent bookseller.
  • Ask your local library to purchase a copy
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Check out the new "suspenseful, time-hopping mystery" #TheConfluence by Gregory Josephs. Out today!

I’ll keep it short and sweet: Thank you!

I know this is probably the shortest blog post I’ll ever write, but really, truly, thank you. Thank you for being here. Thanks for supporting me as a writer. Thanks for being a friend. I really, really couldn’t do this without you.

Thanks as always for reading,


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