The Holiday Hurdle and Thankful

If I’m being perfectly honest it doesn’t feel like I had a very productive week.  I guess the key word there is feel because the evidence suggests otherwise.  I finished writing Chapter Thirteen and I’ve been busy doing a further revision of Chapter Twelve which is now done.  There were some plot elements and a little bit […]

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A Blank Page

This morning I am excited.  I’m excited and somewhat over-caffeinated and thats alright.  The three cups of coffee I’ve already downed are just helping to further fuel this maddening energy.  I feel as though I could burst, but I don’t want anything to quell it—this feeling of potential and possibility.  Finally, finally I am sitting down […]

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Passing Time

Perhaps my greatest frustration as a writer comes from the handling of passing time.  While things like dialogue come very naturally to me there is absolutely nothing natural about my handling of jumps from one period of time to another.  It is something that I truly loathe and as much as I work on a passage […]

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Hiatus and Planning Ahead

I really am thrilled with how well this project is going this time around.  A month and a half in my motivation is still strong and the thought of finishing the damned thing feels more and more real every day. That being said, in terms of posting new content this week I am taking a short […]

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