Category Archives for Things I Love

Something Else. . . Returning to The Cranberries

The Cranberries released their new retrospective acoustic album Something Else this morning.  It’s the 90’s band’s first release since 2012, so to celebrate, I’m featuring a track and taking a little walk down Memory Lane for this week’s Things I Love. Alien Sound in an Alien Landscape I remember pretty clearly when I first became […]

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Almost. . .

Have you ever been caught between a really great dream and the fear of turning it into reality?  Have you resolved yourself to a certain situation only to be disturbed by a sudden gust of hope that, maybe, you’d rather hadn’t come along?  I wrote about the first question a couple weeks ago, but today’s installment […]

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Come On Come Out. . .

It seems like spring has finally arrived in New England.  Although this is my twelfth April in Massachusetts, I still forget that seasons start about a month later here than they do in the interior where I grew up.  Blame the ocean; it keeps the autumn warm and the springtime cold.  In any case, I […]

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She Was in the Field Counting Stars. . .

In our noisy society, music is too often relegated to background noise—to accompaniment.  But once in a while a song stands up and demands more—it consumes us, becoming both external and visceral.  It’s arresting.  We have no choice but to stop, listen, and be eclipsed.  For this week’s installment of Things I Love, I’ve got one of these songs […]

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Survival. . .

What does April sound like to you?  I’m not talking about chirping birds, or cool spring rains on a tin roof.  I’m talking musically.  What does April sound like?  Or March for that matter; September?  Seriously, give it a try.  If you had to pick one song to represent the whole month of April, what would it […]

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